January 2015: I had a great time at the International Biogeography Society meeting in Bayreuth, Germany!
Spring 2014: I received a 2-year NSF International Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology to work with Dr. Jens-Christian Svenning at the University of Aarhus in Denmark and Dr. Frans Bongers at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. My project focuses on understanding climatic and other factors that influence the range limits of tropical tree species. It will integrate data from long-term forest plots across the Neotropics (thanks to the NeoSelvas network!) to evaluate how regional climate and local conditions jointly affect tropical tree demography.
September 2015: We just released a new version of the R package ENMeval that implements parallel processing! Also, thanks a lot to the Whitney & Rudgers Labs at the University of New Mexico for hosting me for awhile!
June - August 2015: I had a great time at ESA giving this talk! Also, congrats to Natalia Umaña for leading a paper accepted at The American Naturalist: Inter-specific functional convergence and divergence and intra-specific negative density dependence underlie the seed-to-seedling transition in tropical trees.
May 2015: A new collaborative paper lead by Susan Letcher is out in the Journal of Ecology: Environmental gradients and the evolution of successional habitat specialization: a test case with 14 Neotropical forest sites. LINK
April 2015: Our submission for the GBIF Ebbe Nielsen Challenge was selected as a finalist! I am a part of this collaborative effort with Jamie Kass and Rob Anderson, Matthew Aiello-Lammens, and Bruno Vilela.
March 2015: Thanks to the organizers for putting together a fantastic BES conference in Sheffield: Demography Beyond the Population
February 2015: Check out our new paper in Ecology: Lasky et al. Ontogenetic shifts in trait-mediated mechanisms of plant community assembly. LINK
January 2015: I had a great time at the International Biogeography Society meeting in Bayreuth, Germany!
December 2014: Our cross-site comparison using CTFS data on spatial variation in forest biomass and consequences for remote sensing of carbon stock is out in Biogeosciences. Nice work pulling this together, Maxime! LINK
November 2014: Our island-wide community phylogeny for Puerto Rican trees is now published at PLoS1. Hoping this will be useful to folks interested in Puerto Rican forests. Big thanks to the very many people who helped out on this project!
September 2014: An applications paper describing a new R package (ENMeval) is published at Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Hopefully this tool will help people build more robust niche models. Your feedback is welcome!
Spring 2014: I received a 2-year NSF International Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology to work with Dr. Jens-Christian Svenning at the University of Aarhus in Denmark and Dr. Frans Bongers at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. My project focuses on understanding climatic and other factors that influence the range limits of tropical tree species. It will integrate data from long-term forest plots across the Neotropics (thanks to the NeoSelvas network!) to evaluate how regional climate and local conditions jointly affect tropical tree demography.
Fall 2013: I received a NSF-Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant to extend my work linking species functional trait data with environmental niche models in a phylogenetic context. This work has involved a lot of manual georeferencing of herbarium collection data to boost up sample sizes for niche modeling. Thanks to herbaria staff at the University of Puerto Rico Río Piedras (UPRRP), University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez (MAPR), New York Botanical Garden (NY), and the Smithsonian Institute (US) for providing access to digitized records!
January 2015: I had a great time at the International Biogeography Society meeting in Bayreuth, Germany!
Spring 2014: I received a 2-year NSF International Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology to work with Dr. Jens-Christian Svenning at the University of Aarhus in Denmark and Dr. Frans Bongers at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. My project focuses on understanding climatic and other factors that influence the range limits of tropical tree species. It will integrate data from long-term forest plots across the Neotropics (thanks to the NeoSelvas network!) to evaluate how regional climate and local conditions jointly affect tropical tree demography.
September 2015: We just released a new version of the R package ENMeval that implements parallel processing! Also, thanks a lot to the Whitney & Rudgers Labs at the University of New Mexico for hosting me for awhile!
June - August 2015: I had a great time at ESA giving this talk! Also, congrats to Natalia Umaña for leading a paper accepted at The American Naturalist: Inter-specific functional convergence and divergence and intra-specific negative density dependence underlie the seed-to-seedling transition in tropical trees.
May 2015: A new collaborative paper lead by Susan Letcher is out in the Journal of Ecology: Environmental gradients and the evolution of successional habitat specialization: a test case with 14 Neotropical forest sites. LINK
April 2015: Our submission for the GBIF Ebbe Nielsen Challenge was selected as a finalist! I am a part of this collaborative effort with Jamie Kass and Rob Anderson, Matthew Aiello-Lammens, and Bruno Vilela.
March 2015: Thanks to the organizers for putting together a fantastic BES conference in Sheffield: Demography Beyond the Population
February 2015: Check out our new paper in Ecology: Lasky et al. Ontogenetic shifts in trait-mediated mechanisms of plant community assembly. LINK
January 2015: I had a great time at the International Biogeography Society meeting in Bayreuth, Germany!
December 2014: Our cross-site comparison using CTFS data on spatial variation in forest biomass and consequences for remote sensing of carbon stock is out in Biogeosciences. Nice work pulling this together, Maxime! LINK
November 2014: Our island-wide community phylogeny for Puerto Rican trees is now published at PLoS1. Hoping this will be useful to folks interested in Puerto Rican forests. Big thanks to the very many people who helped out on this project!
September 2014: An applications paper describing a new R package (ENMeval) is published at Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Hopefully this tool will help people build more robust niche models. Your feedback is welcome!
Spring 2014: I received a 2-year NSF International Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology to work with Dr. Jens-Christian Svenning at the University of Aarhus in Denmark and Dr. Frans Bongers at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. My project focuses on understanding climatic and other factors that influence the range limits of tropical tree species. It will integrate data from long-term forest plots across the Neotropics (thanks to the NeoSelvas network!) to evaluate how regional climate and local conditions jointly affect tropical tree demography.
Fall 2013: I received a NSF-Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant to extend my work linking species functional trait data with environmental niche models in a phylogenetic context. This work has involved a lot of manual georeferencing of herbarium collection data to boost up sample sizes for niche modeling. Thanks to herbaria staff at the University of Puerto Rico Río Piedras (UPRRP), University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez (MAPR), New York Botanical Garden (NY), and the Smithsonian Institute (US) for providing access to digitized records!
Bob Muscarella
Department of Bioscience - Ecoinformatics and Biodiversity
Ny Munkegade 116
Building 1540, room 332
8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
< bob.muscarella at gmail.com >
Bob Muscarella
Department of Bioscience - Ecoinformatics and Biodiversity
Ny Munkegade 116
Building 1540, room 332
8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
< bob.muscarella at gmail.com >